EXQUISITE AAA Clear Quartz Crystal Cluster 14ct Gold Filled Adjustable Ring
AAA Clear Quartz Crystal Clusters/The Master Healer
Full of Energy & Sparkle/Visible Rainbows within
Pure White Crystal Quartz/some with small inclusions
4 Bright White
#One Cream & Full of Light
Clear Quartz Crystal
known as "The Master Healer"
Metaphysical Attributes
Powerful Energy Amplifier
Amplifies Energy of other Crystals around it
Absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy -
Raises energy to the highest possible level
Regenerates energy to a healthy state before dis-ease
Works for all chakras
excellent for unblocking
Enhances psychic abilities and attunes
you to your spiritual purpose
Acts as a deep soul cleanser connecting
the physical dimensions with the mind
Aids the Immune system and brings the body
to balance on all planes
Excellent to soothe and for sleep patterns
Manifestation and meditation
Used in meditation quartz filters out distractions
Aids concentration and unlocks memory
Expands consciousness
Controls and perceives situations
Brings Clarity to the mind
Helps stubbornness
Positive mindset
Perseverance and patience
Holding a quartz crystal in your hand doubles
the bio-magnetic field (demonstrated by kerlian camera)
Protects against EMF generators
electromagnetism and dispels static electricity
The information within this store is for guidance only. No medical claims are made for the crystals and the information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment. If in any doubt about their use, a qualified crystal healing or holistic practitioner should be consulted. In the context of this store, illness is a dis-ease, the final manifestation of spiritual, environmental, psychological, karmic, emotional or mental imbalance or distress. Healing means bringing mind, body and spirit back into balance and facilitating evolution for the soul, it does not imply a cure. In accordance with crystal healing consensus, all stones are referred to as crystals regardless of whether or not they have a crystalline structure.